by Megan Patterson, IABC/Tulsa President
It must be awards season. From the Oscars, to the CMAs, to the Bronze Quill Awards – news is buzzing of trophies, fancy dresses and controversy. Admittedly the Oscars have somewhat stole the show, but if you keep reading, I think you’ll see that a couple of other awards programs are creating some local buzz of their own (minus the controversy).
Three of your IABC/Tulsa board members recently attended the 2017 IABC Chapter Management Awards (CMAs), where IABC/Tulsa received awards for its professional development, communications and financial management. Congratulations to all of our board members! Our board is a hardworking group of dedicated volunteers, and they truly deserve this recognition.
I’d also like to give a shout out to the 2017 International Chapter of the Year: “La La Land.”
Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Actual congratulations go to our friends at IABC/Calgary for taking home this honor.
Another fabulous awards program, IABC/Tulsa’s annual Bronze Quill Awards will be held March 30. I hope you’ll join us for a fun night of celebrating local communications professionals and their achievements. We’ll also announce this year’s Communicator of the Year and Professional of the Year. Whether you’ve entered an award or not, this is an event you won’t want to miss. RSVP by Friday, March 24.
For any non-members looking to learn more about IABC, this is a great event to attend. And remember, March is Member Month, which means great savings for new and renewing members if you join this month (see below for additional details). Consider joining, and help make IABC/Tulsa an even stronger organization.
For any members looking to get more involved with IABC, we’re accepting nominations for the next IABC/Tulsa board term, which begins August 2017. See more information below about board opportunities, and please reach out to me if you’re interested.