Wednesday, Dec. 15
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
D’Novo Lean Gourmet
5982 South Yale Avenue
We’ve spent so much time lately on social networking, it’s easy to forget that the original social networks were face-to-face meetings. Even in this online age, you can’t overestimate the importance of making a good impression in business settings.
Jana Christian, a leading expert in the etiquette and protocol industry, brings an engaging approach on ways we can network more effectively by polishing up our business manners. She captures the essence of protocol and etiquette issues in today’s business situations.�
For over 20 years, Jana has been the trainer of choice for banks, airlines, manufacturing, universities, political figures and many others. She is the founder of The Etiquette School of Oklahoma, and etiquette consulting and training firm.
Jana’s credentials include certification from the prestigious American School of Protocol and the American Business Institute. She is actively involved in ABETA (American Business Trainers Association), Toastmasters International and she is a certified judge for the Miss America pageant organization. Her background includes modeling, pageants and stage performance.
Visit the IABC/Tulsa online registration system to reserve your spot.
We’ll see you there!