Turn your Mundane Memos into Creative Communications
Peter Seronick, Emerson College
Wednesday, November 14, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
OSU-Tulsa, Room 140
700 Greenwood, Tulsa
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Do you often feel there is an overload of “stuff” in your communications to the point where the message is lost as well as your target audience? Believe it or not, simplicity and creativity in content and design helps one improve the communications. Learn some common sense secrets from a 40-year veteran of advertising and marketing on how to cut through the clutter and rise above the confusion.
Peter Seronick has spent the last 38 years in advertising and is currently Director of Right Brain Thinking (Creative Director) at North Star Marketing in RI. I am also a part-time instructor at Emerson College in Boston.