Dear IABC Tulsa members,
As the reigning International Chapter of the Year and three-time Small Chapter of the Year winner, there are so many things going really well for our Tulsa chapter. However, one thing our members and guests consistently ask us to consider changing is the location for our monthly meetings. Well, ask and you shall receive!
After many years, lots of research and several “test drives,” the board of directors is excited to announce that we are moving to The Summit Club for the majority of our meetings for the remainder of 2013. If you were able to attend the meeting last month at The Summit Club, then you were a part of a group providing us with rave reviews. From the room to the acoustics to the food (oh, the glorious food!), you had hardly any comments to share that weren’t positive.
We believe switching to this new location is the right thing for our growing chapter that is attracting top-notch speakers from around the country. In order to make this change, we have to raise the prices of our monthly luncheons. Beginning in June, the cost for a member will be $25, with a $35 charge for non-members. This fee covers the professional development and networking sessions offered at each meeting, along with a gourmet-quality lunch.
Despite the slight increase, our monthly meeting prices remain very competitive with other professional organizations, and at the low end of pricing compared to other IABC chapters around the globe. We’re excited this change allows us meet the demands of our customers – you! – and offer a more sophisticated locale for our meetings.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at Thanks as always for your support of our chapter.
Shannon Frederick, ABC
President, IABC Tulsa